Monday, May 7, 2007

Chillies and sweet peppers

I think I am in love with my chilli plants (and the sweet pepper ones too). They look so strong and healthy! Apparently they are one of the easiest plants to grow from seed, but that doesn't stop me from getting great satisfaction from seeing them get taller. They are doing very well in their little handmade newspaper pots.

I'm not sure when to put them outside. We bought a cold-frame, but typically there was one pane of glass missing so we're not sure whether to kick up a fuss or make do with a plastic pane borrowed from a cheap picture frame instead. I also think we need to invest in a greenhouse - at the moment our dining room is being used as a nursery for the seedlings, but that isn't really what it was made for! The table is covered in compost and newspaper and we haven't got round to painting that room yet as a result.

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