Monday, May 26, 2008

Wet wet wet

The weather has turned, just in time for the bank holiday weekend. It has been raining for most of Sunday and Monday (today). I'm a bit worried about the aubergine, pumpkin and sweetcorn plants as it is a bit cold and wet. So I've decided to cover them in the little bit of fleece we've got left. Hopefully that will give them a bit of a helping hand and keep them warm.

The potatoes have also taken a bit of a battering. As their stems are so long, they've bent over (although still growing away). I'm not sure if it's the wind or the foxes which have flattened them.

Also the cabbage seedlings look a bit forlorn. I think they may have grown too quickly in the sun and have now fallen over (no pics - it was too wet to take many!). But there is a ray of hope in the kale. The plants are a few inches high and ready to be thinned. The leaves look lovely with their purple veins (I've gone for a purple variety known as "Scarlet"). Again, no pics, but once I've thinned them out, I'll get some up.

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