Wednesday, July 4, 2007

What weather

The weather has been absolutely awful here at the moment. Cold cold cold and rain rain rain! I'd forgotten it was June. Last night we had some spectacular storms - beautiful fork lightning across the greyish yellow sky and deep rumbles of thunder. I was home alone so a bit scared, although nothing to worry about in the end as I was not hit by lightning as I made my dinner.

Anyway I tell you this because the weather means less sunshine for the crops. I'm not sure whether or not the sweet peppers or chillies will make it through to harvest. I've also bought some tomato plants and I am worried about them too. I've put them under a make-shift fleece covering, so hopefully that'll help, but we will have to see.

The salad crops seem to be doing well although the slugs do like a nibble. I have resorted to buying so-called "organic" slug pellets to kill the buggers, but I feel like I have lost my green credentials as a result.

Most of the spinach and all of the pakchoi have now been pulled up. The pakchoi had run its course and the spinach had gone to seed (started to flower) so time to make room for new crops. Mr is in charge of these and he plans to sow some more pakchoi, possibly leeks... Mmmm leeks are good for risotto, pasta dishes, fish..!

The runner beans have begun to flower. They are bright red - you can see them from the kitchen through the tree!

However the shortage of bees (the flying buzzing things) may mean that they don't get pollinated. I have seen a few flying around so hopefully it'll be fine.

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